Dedicated Debt Collection for the Veterinary Industry

  01527 543672   |

Your personal information

Your personal and company information is held on a secure digital platform. 

Only authorised employees to have access to the information, and the data will only be used for the specified purpose and will not be shared outside Debt Solve UK Ltd without your express Consent. Your Consent to share information will be requested at the time you submit your details.

Complaints and feedback

Should you wish to make a complaint, our complaints policy is available upon request at All information received during a complaint is handled with the same level of security as any other information we hold.

Information required for commercial purposes.

Debt Solve UK Ltd use the information to provide services and products to our customers. Business and personal Data is only used for its intended purpose. This includes financial information for the production of invoices and receiving payment for services provided.

To protect your information, we have the following safeguards of protection: –

Monitored Firewall protection
Malware protection
Encrypted data
Hourly backups
Auditing for data integrity

Information Backups

Debt Solve UK Ltd have a backup policy in place. We retain backups for a maximum of six years. Upon receiving a request to remove data of a personal nature, this will be completed by removing all references and data from the production environment. The full deletion of this data will be achieved after the retention period stated above has been reached.

Requests for your information

You have the right to submit a Subject Access Request for the information that we hold on you or your company.

We will respond to requests for the information we hold on you within the required 30 day period. Initial requests will not be charged. However, should more than 2 requests be made within a 6 month period of time, subsequent requests will be charged at £10 per request.
All information will be provided in the format of a PDF document.

Sharing information / Legitimate interest 

Two of the most common uses are passing data under a ‘legitimate interest’ and ‘contract’. If you have contracted with a supplier to carry out services or supply goods and have not paid for the same, then these two cases are both legitimate reasons to use your data to pursue debts. 

How does DSL use your data?

DSL personal use data supplied to collect debt and to contact individuals and organisations via the following methods.

  • Telephone
  • Text message
  • Letters
  • Email
  • Personal visits

Data Sharing 

From time to time, DSL staff must share your details with the following organisations

  • County Court
  • High Court
  • Sheriffs Office, Scotland
  • Solicitors
  • Land Registry
  • CCJ Register
  • Tracing Agencies
  • Banks
  • Credit Services Association
  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons 
  • Allpay
  • Fathom [DSL’s IT Company]
  • Insolvency Practitioners
  • Step Change
  • Locksmiths
  • Police
  • Merchant Service Providers

Should it become necessary to send data outside the UK, the relevant customer will be advised, and permission sort before data is transferred. 

Job applicants and current and former employees

Job applicants

When Debt Solve UK Ltd receive job applications, these are held securely. In the instance of hard copies, the application forms are deleted or shredded after the selection period is completed. This information is not shared outside our organisation and is only shared internally with designated personnel. Where information of an applicant is to be retained, Consent from the applicant will be sought before the retention of any personal information.

Current employees

All personal information held by Debt Solve UK Ltd on current employees is managed and maintained securely by a specialist third party company.  All employees have the right to view the data we hold on them at any time.

 A formal request is required and made through their line manager.

Former employees

All personal information held by Debt Solve UK Ltd on former employees is managed and maintained securely by a specialist third party company. Should a former employee wish to view the data, we hold on them see the information (detailed above). Information held on personnel is retained for no longer than six years after the end of employment, in line with current UK legislation. After this time, all information on the former employee is deleted. If requested, a confirmation of this will be communicated to the person.

Reporting of Data Breaches

Debt Solve UK Ltd report all significant data breaches of data that we have control of and are responsible for to the Information Commissioners Office, our customers and suppliers. 

All potential data breaches are thoroughly investigated as per our Information Security Incident Policy.

When a data breach is detected, and the severity ascertained, this will be reported to the ICO within 72 hours.

Data Protection Officer

We have an appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be reached by calling 01527 543672 or by filling out our contact form